Water Filtration Plant
Implemented Lock Out Tag Out and Confined Space Entry programs.
Implemented safety glass, ladder and eyewash inspection programs for site.
Replaced the electrical and air systems for the plant to increase uptime 10% and improve safety.
Implemented fatigue mats for workers to improve ergonomics.
Changed SOP and connections on lines to evacuate product tanks into production vessels to save 15% of labor time and improve ergonomics
Implemented Lean Manufacturing culture to the plant.
Implemented new Preventative Maintenance tracking system.
Increased focus on quality repairs to tanks reducing callbacks for leaks by 70%.
Reengineered a separator to improve resin separation, increasing production 5%.
Modified separator vessels to eliminate resin hideout and eliminate cross-contamination resulting in higher quality resin.
Installed static mixers on regeneration vessels to improve quality and capacity of resin and reduce rinse down times 15%. This also allowed chemical costs for regeneration and waste neutralization to be reduced 50%.
Installed new UV lights for sanitization and TOC removal.
Implemented FIFO inventory system.
Consolidated 14 product sizes to 5 reducing production complexity and inventory.
Increased inventory on hand for critical customers to reduce changeovers and increase production 3%.
Changed plant process flow to increase plant production capacity 40% by putting equipment on standby between steps back into use during idle time.
Standardized batch sizes appropriate for each production line lowering operating costs 7% and increasing plant efficiency 12%.
Repiped many lines in the plant that were multi-use and created dedicated lines throughout plant to increase production 17%.
Increased flow rates of fast rinse steps to increase production in the plant 15%.
Replaced contract drivers with full time driver reducing distribution labor costs 20%.
Showed consolidating 2 service branches saved operating cost of 15% and increased revenue 10%.
Installed filtration system on recycle loop to protect RO and reduce tank cleanouts.
Consolidated inbound deliveries from partial to full loads saving freight costs 35%.
Repiped carbon backwashing station and changed SOP to cut plant labor demand by 5%.
Reengineered wastewater holding and neutralization tanks to reduce chemical costs 95% and reduce plant labor demand 10% by automating the process.
Performed value stream mapping to eliminate 50% of movement of materials through plant.
cost savings
Increased water recycling 30%.
Insulated hot water tank to reduce natural gas usage 65%.
Replace mercury vapor lights with LED smart lights reducing electric costs for the plant 25%.
Replaced many air pumps with electric pumps to reduce plant electricity bill 35%.